Food Shopping: Consider the Alternative
by Marjorie Dorfman
Are you overwhelmed whenever you go to the supermarket? Do you plan to buy just a few things and end up spending a fortune? Will this article help you stop? Probably not, but it will give you a laugh.
Someone once said that one should never go food shopping when hungry as this would cause one to buy more groceries than planned. (This statement may have been made by the same person who said that the moon was made out of Swiss cheese, but I couldnt swear to it.) It does make sense though, if you think about it. Being sated can put a damper on impulse. I dont know about you, but whenever I go shopping for "just a few things," I always end up spending more than I meant to. And so I have devised a system with few rules of the road to be applied every time you even come close to the door to your favorite supermarket. They are divided up into three categories; before the shop, during the shop and afterwards.
The very first thing you must do is realize that being prepared isnt only for boy scouts. Park as far away from the market as possible. It may slow you down, as it will force you to at least think about how far you have to travel with that "lonesome load." It also helps to never take a car inside the store with you. You will always need one and that is precisely the point. You will be forced to return to the entrance of the scene of the crime in the middle of your shopping adventure. This action may delay expenditures, but even if it does, it will only last for a little while (like your money). Write in your grateful journal two hundred times before you enter the store. You are grateful, if only because of the alternative presented by not needing to shop for food. No need means that you must be a dead consumer and thats not so nice. Better to be overstocked and over extended than dead. Nest-ce pas?
Shop mostly in inclement weather. This will help to reinforce your sense of control over the situation. Blizzards, torrential rains and monsoons are very good; hurricanes are even better. Apart from the thrill of never knowing whether you will live to get home, there is something about rain, snow and murderous winds that turns ones thoughts to home, hearth and over-stocking such staples as rice, soups, pet food and Haagen Das. Food shopping under these conditions will encourage you to buy more than you will ever need of everything under the sun. Oh, and by the way, avoid the sun. Its no help at all.
Shop early in the morning and wear a mask. (Avoid cashiers and managers as they might think you are trying to rob them.) No one will recognize you, and you can buy all that junk food without looking over your shoulder or feeling guilty. (And if you do this, dont buy low fat potato chips and the like. Go all the way! Hell, you only live once!) Dont think about the fact that no one you know is watching you shop because any normal human being will be asleep at this hour. Why arent you?
Buy lots of cottage cheese and yogurt in all flavors and varieties. Vow to devour all before that dreaded expiration date. Make sure they all have different dates or you will really be sorry you made that promise! Buy whatever is on sale and whatever isnt. Why take a chance? Buy four of everything. (Youll find three people to give the others to in time. Just be patient.) If you take a shopping buddy with you, make sure you separate once you are inside the store. After all, you dont want to be encouraged to make the right food decisions for you and your family!
Leave your glasses at home if you wear them and bring them with you if you dont. And dont forget those coupons. They are a first class pain in the neck and sometimes much lower. Bring them unsorted and stapled together in three corners and check them against each item you select. Decide that if there is no coupon you must have the item in question and that if there is one, the product couldnt be that good in the first place. Keep sorting and deciding aisle by aisle, step by step. By nightfall, you should be home safe and sound and may only need one Valium to get to sleep.